Eliane Gordeeff

Eliane Gordeeff

Animator and Researcher @ University of Lisbon

Eliane Gordeeff (PT) is an independent animator, professor, and researcher with a Ph.D. in Fine Arts – Multimedia (FBAUL/Portugal 2018) with a scholarship from CNPq (Brazil) and Erasmus+ at the University of Paris 8 (France). Then, she examined how the animated image can represent imaginary elements of the characters. She is a member of ASIFA and the Society for Animation Studies and a contributor to zippyframes.com. Producer, animator, and director of more than 16 animated shorts, shown at various festivals around the world, she has published more than 60 texts on animation and is the author of the book Aesthetic Interference: the stop motion technique in the animation narrative (2018). In addition, Eliane Gordeeff coordinates an online index, academicosdaanimacao.blog.br, that shows writings on animation published in Brazil.