Image of Theresa Reiwer

Theresa Reiwer

Medienkünstlerin, Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerin @

Theresa Reiwer (DE) is a media artist, stage and costume designer living in Berlin. She studied film and theater studies at the FU Berlin, film in Istanbul at the Bilgi Üniversitesi and free art in the class stage and costume design at the kunsthochschule berlin weißensee (Deutschlandstipendium). In her own works, she stages physically accessible spaces with video, augmented or virtual reality, and refers to pop cultural and neoliberal phenomena.

In her narrative spatial installation “Slow Rooms” (Mart Stam Prize 2019), she explored the themes of artificial intelligence (AI) and the commodification of leisure. The mobile follow-up project “Social Capsule” (2021) – a smart Tiny House – was shown in the Ballhaus Ost program, then during the Performing Art Festival and at RAW.OST. Augmented Roommate and Emotion Coach was part of various group exhibitions as a stand-alone.

In the immersive video and spatial installation “Decoding Bias” (2023, Holzmarkt, Fonds DaKü et al.), eight artificial intelligences come together for group therapy to heal their programmed biases. The project was revived during the End of Nations Festival at Monopol Berlin and is currently invited to Ars Electronica 2023 in Linz (AT).

As a scenic artist, Theresa was featured in the Berlinale Panorama in 2018 with “Jibril” (R: Henrika Kull) and in 2021 with “Glück/Bliss” (R: H. Kull). Her stage and VR video works were invited to various guest performances as well as to the IMPULSE Theater Festival (“The kids are alright”, R: Simone Dede Ayivi) and PAF (“Wüste Zukunft”, co-directed by Alisa Tretau & Reiwer) in 2021 and 22.

Theresa received grants such as the Berlin Young Talent Program “Elsa-Neumann”, “Initial” from the Academy of Arts, “#TakeHeart” from Fonds Daku, “Arbeits- und Recherchestipendium Darstellende Kunst” from the Senate of Berlin as well as project funding from federal, state and private foundations.