ASIFA Austria Forum – Irina Rubina: Animation and Mathematics: Partners in Crime or How Curves, Numbers, and Formulas Guide My Creative Process

Modeling, character animation, particle simulations and VFX – all these areas of animation are closely linked to physics, programming languages and therefore also to mathematics. This abstract science allows us to capture and describe the world on a very high and detailed complexity and use it to create animated illusions – be it a precise replica of reality or the creation of new worlds based on this reality. But what happens when we move into the abstraction of auteur animation? Do hard, logical numbers and structures still have any place there? Here, intuition, chance and broken rules seem to gain the upper hand.

But this impression can be deceptive. In my films, mathematics permeates every level of my work – from the precise, frame-accurate temporal structures to the interwoven animation loops and the design of the auditory levels. In this lecture, I would like to declare an ode to curves, graphs, numbers, geometry and formulas from the perspective of my animation thinking.