Vrääth Öhner: The Cage of Time

“The Cage of Time” presents a distinctive fusion of physical and virtual elements, merging the tangible presence of a kinetic object-instrument with the immersive experience of VR (Virtual Reality) glasses. Through this hybrid approach, viewers are invited to explore the illusion of passing time in virtual space. As part of the ongoing artistic research project VRinMotion, “The Cage of Time” stands as a testament to the innovative possibilities of combining traditional kinetic, instrumental and animating mediums with immersive technology. Collaborating closely with the media and time-based artist Anna Vasof, the VRinMotion team pushes the boundaries of animation by bringing physical objects to life through stop-motion animation within the virtual realm. By blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds, “The Cage of Time” not only offers a captivating experience but also prompts reflection on the nature of perception, reality, and the passage of time itself. Through this interactive installation, viewers are encouraged to contemplate the sound and the fluidity of existence and the interconnectedness of the tangible and the intangible.